Methods to protect from High Rish Behaviors


GHRC provides free and confidential HIV, HCV, and COVID-19 testing to communities in Atlanta and areas surrounding the city in an effort to prevent transmission of the virus/s and bacteria and decrease morbidity and mortality related to HIV/AIDS, HAV, HCV, and COVID-19.

This program helps individuals learn about their status, receive counseling on their high-risk behaviors, receive recommendations on preventive methods, and learn to protect themselves and their partners from acquiring HIV, HAV, HCV, and/or COVID-19.

Services include:
HIV, HAV, HCV, and PrEP Education

HIV Couples Testing

HIV Testing and Counseling

HCV Testing and Counseling

COVID-19 Testing

Condom Distribution

Referral to medical, essential, and supportive services

All Services are Free, Quick, and Confidential.

GHRC’s Testing Center Hours:
Mon, Tue, and Wed, Thur: 10-5
Friday: 10-4

GHRC’s Mobile Health Unit:
Monday through Sundays: Hours and Locations vary

Call us or email us at [email protected] to set up an appointment or learn about our outreach site. Walk-ins are welcome.

Thinking about hosting a testing event at your place? Call us at 404-817-9994 or email us at [email protected] to set up a date.

Want to join GHRC?

Apply Today!

These are exciting times for GHRC as we continuously grow, develop new programs, identify new partners, and connect with more community members. I hope you will get a sense of our passion, expertise, reliability, and innovative programs as you browse through this website.

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